Future Oxfordshire Partnership’s response to recommendations of the Future Oxfordshire Partnership Scrutiny Panel Recommendations made on 13 September 2021


The Future Oxfordshire Partnership is requested to provide a response to the recommendations of the Scrutiny Panel for decision at its meeting on Day Month Year.





Recommendation 1: That the Future Oxfordshire Partnership request that HM Government consider ways to simplify and rationalise the process by which it considers local authority bids for funding through initiatives such as the Community Renewal Fund and Levelling Up Fund, so as to encourage a system wide approach.


The Future Oxfordshire Partnership agrees that rationalising the process by which local authorities and businesses can bid for funding would be beneficial. Since this recommendation was made, the Future Oxfordshire Partnership Executive Officer Group has recommended drafting a letter to HM Government on this subject, which is in development at the time of writing.


Recommendation 2: That the Future Oxfordshire Partnership agree recommendation 2 of the ERP report around the need for partners to continue to undertake a whole system response to securing economic recovery and that specifically, this includes, but not be limited to, a system wide approach to town centre renewal and the promotion of manufacturing as a sector. 



The Future Oxfordshire Partnership agrees that there is a need for a continued whole-system response, through the Economic Task Group, to the economic challenges faced in Oxfordshire. We would add that system wide discussions will need to take a holistic and inclusive approach to recovery which do not focus wholly on the economy, but also consider community recovery and public wellbeing, among other areas, in line with the themes set out in the Oxfordshire Strategic Vision.  We continue to offer our strong support for countywide collaboration and partnering to deliver the most effective response to the recovery, whilst recognising the sovereignty of each council to take a tailored local approach to recovery. We anticipate receiving a report on the condition of the Visitor Economy, town centre renewal, and system wide approaches to support it, later this year. With respect to the promotion of manufacturing, we note that this is a central tenet of the Local Industrial Strategy, and that there is a specific project in the ERP report appendix which focuses on manufacturing and supply chain resilience, which is ready, but has not yet secured funding.

Recommendation 3: That the Future Oxfordshire Partnership provides feedback that the Economic Recovery Plan should draw on wider dis-aggregated data that helps to show how some sections of society may be disadvantaged through the economic recovery, particularly for young people who are not in education, employment, or training. This will be useful to inform targeted interventions.










The Future Oxfordshire Partnership can provide this feedback. It is understood that the Economic Recovery Task Group will work with national agencies and government departments to provide and make use of disaggregated data wherever it is available.



Recommendation 4: That the Future Oxfordshire Partnership be requested to strengthen its draft response to HM Government’s Oxford to Cambridge Arc Vison Consultation to emphasise:


a.     The importance of environmental preservation and enhancement across all pillars of the proposed Vision and considerations for the future of the Arc.

b.     The importance of the securing adequate provision of data centres in order to support greater digital connectivity.

c.      The need for full electrification of the East West Railway as a current rather than future priority.

d.     The need to reduce dependency on private cars within developments through good site connectivity and design.

e.     The need to ensure that matters of housing viability and affordability are not used as reasons to compromise or weaken environmental building standards.

f.       Quantifiable and defensible targets and numbers should be set in order to give the welcome aspirations within the Vision more credibility and robustness.

g.      The need to recognise that inequality is not evenly distributed within Oxfordshire and that pockets of serious deprivation do exist within the county.


The Future Oxfordshire Partnership will delegate responsibility for incorporating these amendments to its Director, in consultation with the Chair. In relation to recommendation 4f, we would have a strong preference that any targets contained within the Vision or the Arc Spatial Framework be an amalgamation of targets decided by local authorities, and not imposed top down.